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Eco-friendly aperitif

Enjoy the perfect balance between
eco-responsibility and tasting pleasure as a team.


  • Conviviality
  • Awareness and consciousness-raising
  • Team building around a tasting session
  • Duration of the activity:

    2 hours

    Maximum number of people

    14 participants

    The challenge:

    Do you want the recipe for a successful team-building event? The one from the Foundation. Tested and approved by several hundred employees, it combines sustainable food awareness, picking from our permaculture vegetable garden and convivial recipes! During this cooking workshop, employees will discover a thousand and one flavors. Tips and easy-to-make recipes to replicate at home. Puff pastry pitas, colorful hummus, or savory mini cookies. Each of the recipes from the GoodPlanet Foundation is a delicious argument to reconcile environmentalists and food lovers!

    What is the Apero-ecolo?


    • Sustainability awareness: Participants learn the importance of making sustainable choices in the selection of ingredients, beverages and materials used at the apéro-écolo. This promotes awareness of the environmental impact of daily decisions.
    • Strengthening collective awareness: Participating in an apéro-écolo strengthens collective awareness of environmental issues. This can inspire participants to adopt sustainable practices not only during the event but also in their daily lives.
    • Waste reduction: The apéro-écolo usually focuses on waste reduction, whether by choosing reusable packaging, avoiding single-use plastic or encouraging recycling. Participants learn practices that can be applied to reduce waste in other aspects of their lives.

    How it works

    • Welcome of participants
    • Introduction and awareness-raising by the animators from the GoodPlanet Foundation
    • Picking in the vegetable garden and presentation of product
    • Tips, recipes, and cooking workshop
    • Tasting of dishes
    • Closing remarks


    For over 30 years, we have been helping teams to improve communication and strengthen cohesion. Whether you’re looking to rekindle your team’s bond, or you’re building a new team, we’re here to help and meet all your needs.